Thursday, 29 April 2010

Whether the Weather... sunny or soggy is a tough question. With just a couple of days to go before we set off,the answer is really anything but clear. With hundreds of sites on the web offering their view on the weather in Belgium for the next few days, it's hard to know whether to think we're in for hardly any rain at all, as per this site, or some pretty serious soaking, like it says here.

Hopefully, whatever happens we'll all have a good time and I think we'd be pretty unlucky if it rained solidly for four days. Equally, you never know, so fingers crossed...! Now...where did I put my sunglasses...and that umbrella...?

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Cutting it Fine

With not very long to go now, I was pleased today to receive an official permit from the fine city of Antwerp for our concert on Sunday (2:00 in the bandstand on the Groeenplats if you happen to be in the area!). I suspect that if I'd known we needed a permit before I received it, I'd have been quite worried by now, but these things have a way of resolving themselves, I guess. Sadly, it's not as good as the Bruges permit which was addressed to Sir Owen but I suppose you can't have everything! On the plus side, it does thank us "for your initiative that contributes to the positive image of our city" and wish us every success, plus is signed by the mayor!

PS...know any good clarinetists? We find ourselves slightly short at the last minute so if you are (or know) anyone, please let us know...!

Thursday, 8 April 2010

There's no such thing... the saying bad publicity. Here's hoping that that's true since although I'm usually quite at home designing posters, writing copy and generally publicising concerts, I have to admit that attempting all of the above in Dutch (and the Flemish version of Dutch at that) is something of a new experience for me! Bruges kindly offered to display some posters and leaflets for our concert, so assisted by the Dutch-speaking colleagues of clarinettist Jen, we've sent some of these off to Belgium, ahead of us:
Hopefully the inhabitants (and tourists) of Bruges will get the gist and arrive in their droves to admire our music-making! The culture department also sent me a link to their events website where you can upload the details of forthcoming events. Being fairly technology-minded, I thought that I'd give it a go and, a few hours later, including completing numerous forms in Dutch and registering for an account, success! Click here to see our concert, advertised in the Bruges events diary...I think that I even managed to get the date right!

So...hopefully we might get a bit of an audience for our least in Bruges!

Saturday, 3 April 2010

The Itinerary

Well, after my weekend of frantic activity two weeks ago, it's all beginning to slot together quite nicely now, so I think I'm in a position to reveal the itinerary for WCB's first ever international tour!

Day 1
  • Early(ish) departure from Woodley
  • Ferry Dover - Calais
  • Arrive Ghent early afternoon
  • Boat trip on Ghent canals
Day 2
  • Day trip to Antwerp
  • Trip to Antwerp Diamond Museum
  • Afternoon Concert in Groeenplats
  • Late afternoon return to Ghent
Day 3
  • Day trip to Bruges
  • Guided Chocolate Walk (including tastings!)
  • Afternoon Concert in the Markt
  • Late afternoon return to Ghent
  • Final meal
Day 4
  • Morning at leisure in Ghent
  • Lunchtime departure for return to Woodley
  • Ferry Calais - Dover
  • Evening arrival at Woodley
Hopefully that will be enough to keep everyone busy and provide something to keep everyone entertained!