Monday, 24 May 2010

Prodigious Poetry

Whilst the members of WCB are well-known for their musical endeavours, it turns out that if you scratch the surface, you discover that their artistic abilities are practically limitless! We asked the tourers to submit their own limericks and received a massive 23 entries in 4 days including no less than 7 from Karen. Here's a selection of our favourites...

Last Monday we needed to get
the Band a new first clarinet.
It should have been Steve,
But he had to leave.
We were lucky to find Juliet!

We arrived and the bandstand was bare.
No chairs! But we didn't care.
We got changed on the bus,
Without any fuss,
And played Abba to fans in the square.

John Sayer is a jolly fellow,
Who is normally quite mellow,
But it all went to pot
When the clarinets got
It wrong with the submarine yellow.

Owen and the committee
Arranged a tour to the pretty
City of Ghent,
but wherever we went,
The weather was really not as good as it could have been.

...and Karen's complete oeuvre...!

Woodley Band (from Berkshire UK)
Sailed to Belgium one rainy May Day.
The ferry was late,
No, we're really not freight!
But we made it to sunny Calais

A trip on a Ghent canal
Our Andy found very banal.
He signed and he moaned,
He fidgeted and groaned.
So next time we'll leave him with you pal!

Woodley Band were bussed over to Ghent
Then to cold rainy Antwerp we went.
The plan was to play
And cheer a grey, wet, dull day,
So to this goal we were bent.

Yes to Antwerp we went in the rain,
Set to cheer with a musical refrain.
Abba was grand,
Though we all had to stand
Fancy-dressed teenagers we did entertain.

We dried out on Sunday night,
Gingham kitsch decor was a real fright.
As we tore into ribs,
We all needed bibs.
Paint-stripper wine furthered our plight.

We found jazz in Phil's dank smokey bar,
Where we were the oldest swingers by far.
Frizzy-haired guy on bass,
Spaced-out look on his face,
And the young guy could swing his guitar.

Next this intrepid band travelled east*
To Bruges, for a chocolate feast.
Down the rain poured,
and still the band toured,
But all hopes of a concert then ceased.
*[Technically it was north-west, but let's not let geography get in the way of a good limerick!]

Thanks to Cath, Dave, Ellie, Hilary, Ian, Jen Karen and Ursula for all their entries - we hope you like them!

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