Wednesday, 19 May 2010

WCB Tour Blog, Part 3

Day 3 – Monday 3rd May
by Gregor & Ursula

It’s the morning after the night before and those band members that might have over-indulged last night are feeling a tad delicate.  Today has been designated WCB Polo Shirt day and at breakfast the décor of the restaurant and the sprawling mass of polo shirts matches Gregor's eyes (very red).  We all enjoy a hearty breakfast (except Gregor who claims that he ate something yesterday that didn’t agree with him).

Once again, the weather is refusing to play ball with rainy, overcast skies and now colder temperatures too. Today, however, we’re off to Bruges and we board the coach optimistically hoping that, just like yesterday, the weather will clear up and we’ll be able to perform.
We all look rather splendid (if a little bit cold and windswept) in our polo shirts  in the official tour photo, taken on the steps of the Provincial Court Building in the Markt.  The brightest colour of the day, however, must surely be yellow, thanks to Dave, Ian and Graham’s indecently bright yellow waterproofs.

Next up is the slightly mysterious-sounding chocolate walk. As Belgium is well known for its chocolate and because Bruges is such a beautiful city, someone came up with the brilliant idea of combining the two. We split into two groups and set off for our walk. The tour is excellent and,   hunching further into our coats as it gets colder, we learn a lot about the city and its history. Of course we also get to sample plenty of chocolate, including a chocolate alcoholic liqueur (which some of the more hungover members of the band have to pass on although others are keen to get in supplies for consumption back home).

The tour over, the band instantly disperse to various warm hostelries in search of warmth. Owen, Louise, Cath and Gregor enter a little tea room that advertises ‘The Best Hot Chocolate in the World’ which we feel compelled to put to the test.  Instead of serving up a pre-mixed hot chocolate they provide a large cup of hot milk, little bits of chocolate and a whisk so that you can make your own. Cath is fairly careful how much chocolate she puts in, testing the mixture as she goes along, just like a chemist would. Owen chucks about half the chocolate in, guessing that that will be about right.  Louise, meanwhile, hurls the whole lot in with abandon and then spends the rest of the day bouncing around on a massive sugar rush.

After a quick lunch, the weather is still appalling so we have no option but to cancel the gig.  Even without the rain, the wind and cold would be pretty unpleasant.  It’s unfortunate, but luckily yesterday’s concert went really well so we’re not too devastated!  It’s only when we get back to the UK that we check the band email and find one from someone who came to the Markt to hear us after seeing an advert and was disappointed to find that we weren’t there - so now we’ll have to go back!

The cancelled concert leaves us with an additional hour or so to spend doing cultured things such as exploring the city, visiting the chip museum (interesting...and very good chips), drinking hot cups of coffee or shopping for more chocolate. Before long, though, it is time to head back to Ghent and we walk (or get the bus) back to the coach with Graham narrowly avoiding falling victim to one of Bruges’ fraternity of lunatic cyclists. Surprisingly, all are tired on the journey back to the hotel and there is even no sound from Andy – peace at last.

This evening Owen has arranged a group meal for us. Taking the scenic route from the hotel in order to avoid the mud and wobbly bridges of the city centre (we’re sure that it will be lovely in a year or so!), we soon arrive at the restaurant for our three-course final feast.  After the excellent meal, Owen presents prizes to those clever bods that have won honours for the tour booklet wordsearch (Cath), Sudoku (Jen), logic puzzle (Alison) and  limerick competition (Jen…again), plus some additional prizes…

John - Most animated and impassioned conducting of Amarillo
Jon H – Most impressive lack of staying power (ok, so he had to get back to teach on Tuesday)
Martin – Highest volume of equipment per person in section (although he is the percussionist)
Juliet – For willingness to join the tour at the last minute
Andy – Quietest tourer most likely to keep their views to themselves
Karen – Highest volume of limericks (seven!)

The highlight of the evening, however, is surely when the Chairman makes a fantastic, witty, moving, noble, educational, sexy speech thanking Owen and Louise for the huge amount of work that they have put into the tour.  It’s a beautiful moment and all that are present realise that they are in the presence of genius. Through tears of gratitude, Owen and Louise thank the Chairman for making such an inspirational speech [Hmm…this isn’t quite the way I remember it. Ed.]. Owen and Louise are presented with several gifts and Owen is, for once, stumped for words (presumably overcome with emotion…or too tired) so we leave him with the bill.

The band split up.  Some pile into the local gin bar (which serves hundreds of countless different kinds of gin), not to re-appear until much later when they are, allegedly, well oiled (there are strong rumours of one flute player downing no less than seven gins).  Others frequent other establishments around Ghent, while others still return to our own hotel bar.  For some (especially those who had over-indulged the night before), it is an early night, whilst some linger until politely told that it’s bed-time by the barman who goes off duty at 1:00.

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